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Consumers demand quality and simplicity
In the last decade, digital transformation has been proceeding at an ever faster pace and consumers are becoming more and more informed, self-sufficient, and demanding about the quality of products and after-sales services.
For the new consumer, the quality of a product is not measured only by the relationship between materials and price, but also includes the sales and after-sales service that must be combined with each other. A quality experience, in fact, is articulated throughout the product life cycle.
The evolution of consumers has, therefore, led brands and retailers to understand that it is essential for them to create a virtuous and lasting relationship with their audience and, above all, with their customers.
The relationship with consumers can be created and consolidated thanks to a virtuous management of the guarantee, because guarantee means duration, and duration means quality.
Making the management of the guarantee virtuous means interconnecting all the ecosystem operators and simplifying interactions.
Yet, most of the operators involved still manage the Warranties and, therefore, the post-sales relationship with their customers with outdated approaches aimed solely at reducing costs. In this way there is a risk of interrupting the fiduciary relationship with one’s customers exactly at the moment in which it could be consolidated, that is, when the consumer requests after-sales assistance.
Garanteasy proposes a new approach to the Guarantee which is transformed into a tool to start a lasting relationship with consumers from the first moment in which the intention to purchase is manifested and which ends when the product is permanently discarded. An approach that uses the Guarantee as an activator of a complete and lasting quality experience.
From a survey carried out by EuromediaResearch on the relationship between consumers and the guarantee, it appears that 70% of them wish to receive a simple, complete and reliable guarantee, that is, a way to maintain a relationship with producers and sellers of the products purchased.
The simple management of guarantees offered by Garanteasy is exactly what consumers want to receive.
Garanteasy makes guarantees simple interconnecting all the ecosystem players

Become part of the ecosystem of the simple warranty

Simplify activation and archiving
of guarantees and make sure that i
consumers are protected.

Establish a fiduciary communication
long-term with consumers.

Simplify activation and archiving
of guarantees and make sure that i
consumers are protected.

Improve your support by adding manuals, video tutorials and alerts
on deadlines and maintenance to be carried out.
You can activate Garanteasy on any channel

Add Garanteasy between
features available on your APPs.

Report the Garanteasy service
on product packaging.

Activate the Garanteasy service
at the checkout counters.

Activate the service
Garanteasy ecommerce site.

Associate the service
Garanteasy to fidelity cards.

Activate the Garanteasy service
on POS and Credit Cards.

Include the Garanteasy service
in extension policies.

It integrates the Garanteasy service in the management of interventions.
Garanteasy is activated easily and quickly
The Garanteasy platform integrates via API with any APP, ecommerce system, CRM or ERP platform. It is also possible to transfer data using CSV files.
Garanteasy does not ask for set-up costs.
Eventually, configuration costs may be required for any customizations.
The license to use the platform does not have
fixed costs but only variable according to the number of guarantees managed. As volumes increase, unit costs decrease.
Become a Garanteasy Partner
Each consumer you reach through Garanteasy has a value that can last over time.
Take advantage of the guarantee and Garanteasy to communicate quality and establish a trusting relationship based on transparency and simplicity.